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Welcome to HITPATH PRACTICE, your go-to resource for practical mindfulness techniques and guided sessions.


At HITPATH, we understand that everyone has different lives with different responsibilities, which is why we provide more than one way to practice mindfulness with us. Choose the style of practice that suits you—don't wait for tomorrow, start now!


Whether you're looking to join live online sessions, engage in face-to-face mindfulness practices, or follow a structured mindfulness course, HITPATH PRACTICE offers something for everyone.


Our goal is to help you seamlessly integrate mindfulness into your daily life for improved well-being and mental clarity.

Guided Meditation



Enjoy daily sessions focusing on the air element, including breathing exercises, stress reduction, and mindful movement.


Refresh your senses and engage with experienced guides.


We'll also cover HITPATH philosophies to deepen your practice. Sign up today!


In person

Join local meetups for face-to-face mindfulness practice, receive direct guidance from experienced guides, and benefit from the collective energy of group sessions.


You're not alone—sign up today to find a session near you!



If you're the type that prefers to take your time and replay then we recommend joining one of our courses where we will teach you everything related to mindfulness combined with pre-recorded mindfulness meditations for you to listen to whenever you want. 

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